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Wed: 10 AM to 3 PM
Thu: 10 AM to 3 PM
Fri: 10 AM to 3 PM
3 North Museum Ave - Avon Park, FL 33825

Modern for the Day

The Old Home Exhibit

This is the way a home kitchen area would have probably looked like in the early 1900's.

A Fine Table Setting

A lovely early home table setting with fine china and fresh baked breads and pies..all on a home crocheted tablecloth.

Modern Conveniences of the Day

 A display of home articles of the early days. Heavy irons that were heated on the stove, early bread toasters, crocks and a hand pumped spray gun for the "bugs".

Helpful Gadgets Galore

Just about every conceivable gadget to make the early home kitchen easier to manage.

Keeping Things Cool

Usually constructed of oak wood..and an attractive piece of furniture as well..the early "ice box" kept things cool. The lower portion was the ice bin where a block of ice delivered by the "ice man" would keep things in the upper level cool for a few days before melting.

A basket full of eggs freshley gathered from under the hens to be used in cooking and eating.

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